Weekly Comic Reviews 6/19

Hey all. Welcome to another installment of UTF’s Weekly Comic Reviews, I’m your Godzilla-loving host, Daniel Alvarez. This time Pinkie Pie gets her one shot story, among other cool things. Why don’t we get started?

Invincible #103

The issue’s final page is marvelous, from both story and art standpoints. Kirkman sets up one of the most intriguing cliffhangers I’ve encountered in some time, and while it’s accessible to newer readers, longtime fans will appreciate it even more. Ottley frames the scene as an incredibly disturbing over the shoulder shot that really brings the horror home. Not even during the “Death of Everyone” arc was I this excited about an upcoming issue of Invincible.

For the full review, click here.


Mara #5

As we reach the penultimate issue for this mini-series, I find myself in awe as to what the creative team has accomplished so far.  It’s not like they’ve redefined the genre or anything like that but they have found a way to make a character who is, perhaps, more powerful than a titan like Superman accessible even as she prepares to unleash her fury against a misguided planet.

For the full review, click here.


Revival #11

In short, I’m still impressed with this issue. Revival has still answered very little, but this issue doesn’t leave me with loads more questions. Instead, its simply a satisfying read through from start to finish, fitting well alongside previous issues of Revival.

For the full review, click here.


Witchblade #167

It can be said that this particular gauntlet weaves a web, and as the intricacies of that very fact become more apparent the creative team launches yet another story arc.  The results found here reveal something that’s absolutely entertaining as quite a few paths and previous tales cross each other to give birth to this latest series of complicated escapades.

For the full review, click here.



This is a great one-shot and if you are a fan of Mignola then this will be a great read for you. If you are not familiar with his style and previous work then this is as good as any point to jump in and join in on the experience and you will be a fan too.

For the full review, click here.


B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth #108: Wasteland part 2

Overall, another solid issue of B.P.R.D. It’s a very tense and atmospheric issue with some great action and chase scenes. I’m loving this series, definitely one of the best currently on the stands. I mean, what other story has zombies and monsters in the same comic?

For the full review, click here.


Captain Midnight #0

Captain Midnight #0 serves as both an exciting mystery and a unique origin story, which leaves a lot of questions unanswered.   Looks like Dark Horse has a hit on their hands. I can’t wait to read the next issue.

For the full review, click here.


Conan the Barbarian #17

Curious onlookers be warned: if you take a journey like this with your girlfriend the chances that you’ll discover some uncomfortable truths about your significant other are quite high.  As we enter the second part of this complex story arc our protagonist and his lover come face to face with their dark sides and a future that might just bind them beyond this brief time in their lives.

For the full review, click here.


Dream Thief #2

Dream Thief #2 isn’t quite as good as it’s predecessor, but it’s still enjoyable, and the art in particular is gorgeous. I’ll certainly be sticking around for issue 3 (and not just because I’ve been assigned to.)

For the full review, click here.


Edgar Allan Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher #2

If you enjoy classic comic book art -or bizarre non sequiters in speaking style – then The Fall of the House of Usher #2 is one you’ll want to pick up.

For the full review, click here.


House of Gold & Bones #2

Musician Corey Taylor‘s first foray into comics nears its conclusion with House of Gold and Bones #3. The first two issues left something to be desired. Is the newest issue any better? It’s summer, and there are a whole heap of great books appearing. Put your money toward one of those instead of this.

For the full review, click here.


Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin #3

When I first began covering this series I found myself accepting the concept with ease while also experiencing feelings of trepidation towards its assuredly forthcoming conclusion.  We know for a fact that Darth Vader is not in any mortal danger against this foe but despite that knowledge the creative team has found a way to make this outlandish set of bouts work.

For the full review, click here.


Dark Shadows: Year One #3

There are a lot of pieces at play in the latest issue of Dark Shadows: Year One, but to the creative team’s credit they never quite lose sight of the mechanics that make this outlandish tale work.  As they illustrate the pain of tormented lovers and the loss of children, it becomes apparent that the people behind this book are tailor-made for their work.

For the full review, click here.


Robert Jordan’s Wheel Of Time: Eye Of The World #35

The book’s strengths lie heavy in the faithful adherence to the epic fantasy of it all and for fans of that style I’m sure it’s a solid book for you. This isn’t light reading nor should it be. I only wish it made noobs feel more at home and at ease with the material. Overall it’s a middle of the road issue with little visceral impact. Not always essential but in this case a little would have gone a long way to increase my interest in the Wheel of Time epic.

For the full review, click here.


Vampirella Strikes #6

When it comes to this scarlet clad heroine it’s very easy for creators to spin an exploitative yarn that fails to grapple with any serious issues.  To be quite frank her design and history create that atmosphere, but on occasion a dynamic team comes along that wants to push things a bit further and somehow they find a way to make you rethink something you thought you knew.

For the full review, click here.


Warlord of Mars: Dejah Thoris #26

To be quite frank when I sit down to read a comic book like this it’s very apparent what the main selling point is.  The sexual appeal of our lead protagonist makes sense but it’s always my hope that something worthwhile comes from that initial draw in.  I can think of many examples in recent years that have done just that… but sadly not this release.

For the full review, click here.


Danger Girl: Trinity #3

Danger Girl: Trinity #3 delivers a little more of what it always promised. We still got sexy spies, but at least now they’re smart ones, too.

For the full review, click here.


Doctor Who #10

All in all, it’s still a highly enjoyable issue. It moves fluidly and has that quirky nature that Doctor Who fans have come to expect. The cliffhanger is certainly one of the better I’ve seen. No doubt some would have guessed it, but Doctor Who #10 certainly isn’t afraid to go with what it wants.

For the full review, click here.


G.I. Joe #5

All in all, I’m definitely happy with this issue. It has shown some good, insightful understanding of G.I Joe and doesn’t overburden the reader with complicated history and back story. The next few issues should tease in the new arc and, with the same team aboard, I see no reason why this high quality product can’t continue.

For the full review, click here.


G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #191

G.I Joe: A Real American Hero #191 is one of those issues that manages to make the larger set pieces work. Its action heavy, yet fluid. That said, it’s still A Real American Hero, so there’s a certain amount of corny, cheesy one-liners.. and ninjas. Always ninjas.

For the full review, click here.


My Little Pony Micro Series #5: Pinkie Pie

Overall, I was genuinely surprised with how great this comic turned out to be. It’s a Pinkie story, with Twilight as a guest star. The writing captures both ponies well and the art is fun to look at. Some may like it more than Rarity’s, some might not. But there’s no denying this is one of the best My Little Pony stories yet.

For the full review, click here.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Villain Microseries #3: Old Hob

The comic book opens with what can only be described as a mundane introduction featuring a boy and his cat.  To be honest the story of our little antagonist flows exactly the way one might expect but to the creative team’s credit the threads connecting the various pieces flow smoothly together.

For the full review, click here.



The first of a four-part series, Transformers: Monstrosity #1 explores the world before the big war, where Optimus Prime and Megatron were still.. well, Prime and Megatron. Yet Monstrosity is a lot, lot more than that. There’s dinobots, too. All in all, it’s hard to go wrong with a creative team like this. Transformers: Monstrosity #1 has a lot to promise, but it certainly delivers on many fronts as well.

For the full review, click here.



The action continues with Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #18. The new arc kicks off in full swing and this issue, thankfully, isn’t a slow-rolling drip-tease. In short, its safe to say this issue is the one to get you invested and gripped. Clearly a lot of work has gone into this issue and it’s clear to see its worked well. Very well.

For the full review, click here.



Through force of will and some solid gumption three creators come together to bring you this daring vision of a world with a basis that can be described as Waterworld minus the water and added the skies. We have a hardcore villain and his motley crew, a heroine and her family plus a protagonist who’s just been thrust into an aerial fray.  In short: this first issue has a lot going for it.

For the full review, click here.


Executive Assistant: Iris (vol.3) #4

There’s a lot that’s been going right in this zany event but there’s been plenty of misfires along the way.  Thankfully we have this series to back up the main arc as this creative team fills in some gaps to make it all shine through in the end.

For the full review, click here.


Grimm Fairy Tales presents Vampires: The Eternal #3

As the mini-series draws to a close, I find myself taking a minute to pause and remember the monsters that have fallen since the Queen of the Vampires made her presence known.  When one does that it’s hard not to marvel at the quick introduction and speedy execution brought forth by this creative team.

For the full review, click here.


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