Marvel & DC Reviews 3/27/13

Welcome Ladies & Germs to the Big 2 Round up. I am your host Marcell and we have a few offerings for you today from the House of Ideas. The “Uncanny X-Force” clashes with Bishop, Sif returns home in “Journey Into Mystery”, more teenage shenanigans in “Young Avengers”, and the 1st issue of “Guardians of The Galaxy” hits shelves today. Without further delay let’s get started.

Young Avengers #3

Young Avengers #3 is another good helping of fun. More of the cast continues to creep in as the story continues on. The story is still entertaining and as always the art is still fantastic. Filled with fun characters, nice humor, and fluid action. This is another NOW title you should be reading.

Full Review Here



Guardians of the Galaxy #1

Guardians #1 sets out what it aimed to do for a 1st issue. By introducing the characters, setting up the world, and how this random assortment of criminals, trees, racoons, runaway princes and Iron Men. This is nice opening and is highly recommended for fans of the team, or those interested in the upcoming movie.

Full Review Here



Journey Into Mystery #650

Journey Into Mystery #650 brings satisfying end to Sif’s 1st arc as main character of the series. Kathryn Immonen does a great job of telling her first story in the book, fraught with action and self-discovery. Schiti & Bellaire also excel at keeping the story viasually appealing to go along with the fluid story (even it was a little rocky at times). I look forward to the next “Journey” Sif goes on as the series moves forward.

Full Review Here


Uncanny X-Force #3

Uncanny X-Force #3 is a step-up from it’s predecessors and the book has certainly gained more footing with this issue. Nice brisk pace, limited but still fast paced action and great art, make this issue worth checking out. Things are starting to come together as we start to learn what happened to Bishop & why he wants Ginny.

Full Review Here


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