THE FLASH Is Ready To Take Off In Full Costume Reveal

We got our first look at part of The Flash costume several weeks ago in a head shot of Grant Gustin wearing the suit. It was a good teaser, but if there’s one thing fans always want, it’s more, more, more. Well, the wait is over. The full Flash costume has finally hit the Interwebs, and it looks like Barry Allen is eager to get a running start wearing his new duds. Check it out!


The costume was designed by Colleen Atwood, who also designed the Arrow costume and has received Academy Awards for her work in Alice in Wonderland, Memoirs of a Geisha and Chicago. Executive producer David Nutter expressed his excitement for the suit and his gratitude towards Atwood.

I hope the fans who treasure the character are as excited as we are by what costume designer Colleen Atwood has achieved with this latest version of The Flash’s iconic suit.

When I saw the first picture of Grant Gustin wearing the mask, I stated that it was a damn good costume. After seeing the full-body image, I maintain that statement, but I do have one or two issues with it. Let’s start with the positives first.


The mask still looks great, and I like that Atwood didn’t stray from its comic book roots and try to make it look more “realistic.” In the first head shot, my thought was that his wingtips were laying flat on the mask rather than sticking out. As we can see now, they do protrude slightly, though not to the degree of his comic costume. I think that looks fine, although I hope they go the comic route and reveal that the wingtips are capable of receiving radio frequencies. Finally, the chest symbol looks fantastic. It’s like they plucked the lightning bolt directly of comic Barry’s chest and put it on Grant Gustin. It’s an awesome design.

My main issue with the costume is that it suffers the same problem that the New 52 Superman suit does: lack of color. The Flash costume’s main colors have always been red and yellow, but there seems to be a lack of the yellow. It’s still there on the wingtips, lightning bolt symbol and on his arms (although those lines could have been thicker), but I wish they had kept his boots yellow rather than red as well. The background of the chest logo has also been changed from white to a lighter shade of red, but I don’t have any issues with that since it matches well.


Other than that, I think the Flash suit looks great. It’s a worthy adaptation of a costume the has graced comic book pages for decades while still keeping with the CW style set by Arrow. Now I’m curious what Barry’s super speed will look like while wearing the suit.

What do you think of the costume? Let us know in the comments below.


UPDATE: Here are some pictures of the suit on-set in the daylight, courtesy of @FlashCWFans and ComicBookMovie. As you can see, the costume has a red belt with lightning bolts on the side, and there is some yellow on the boots.



