Kevin Smith Denies Writing Fake BATMAN V SUPERMAN Script, Real Culprit Revealed

Several days ago, a conspiracy theory hit the Web from stating that director Kevin Smith had been hired by Warner Bros. to write a fake script for Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice. This was supposedly done to throw the press and fans off the track of what Zack Snyder and the rest of the production have in store for the 2016 team-up film. This fake script included not just villain appearances, but cameos from lesser-known heroes in the DC universe.


Now, I’ll admit that I was intrigued by the idea of Smith writing this script. After all, he’s one of the few hardcore comic book fans in Hollywood, so if anyone would know about these small-time characters, it’s him. On the other hand, Smith is already busy writing directing other movies, as well as producing podcasts, so where would he get the time to write a script that isn’t even real.


Well, the man himself has finally responded to these claims of his alleged duplicity. On his website Silent Bob Speaks, Smith stated that while he has written many scripts recently, a fake Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice script was not one of them. His logic: “No major studio would let a guy like me near their franchises – even if it was for a dummy script meant solely to fool the news sites.” He went on to state that any information he’s learned about the film has come from his connections at Warner Bros. and DC, although nothing from the Batfleck himself. Smith also used this post to release the first poster for his upcoming movie Tusk.


Wait, there’s more! In the blog post, Smith linked to a Twitter account that is taking credit for the fake script. This user, Arrogant Alien (@SonofArrogance), apparently finished the script on June 30, and has since admitted he’s behind the hoax. However, when you have less than 100 followers (at the time of this writing), it’s harder to get the word out.

Well, there’s one of two possibilities at this point. One, the matter is over. Smith didn’t write a fake screenplay, and this whole fiasco is due to an Internet citizen attempting to “show the darkside of fanboyism and gossip site culture.” End of story…or perhaps this isn’t over. Maybe Warner Bros. still has a fake script circling around, and this guy is just part of a bigger conspiracy!

No, that’s too ridiculous. However, as of publication time, El Mayimbe from Latino Review, who originally broke the news about Victor Zsasz, Morgan Edge, David Cain and Amanda Waller appearing in the movie, is calling out Arrogant Alien for not being the true author of the script. Hmmm, perhaps there’s more drama in store…not that we really need it.

SOURCE: Silent Bob Speaks and Twitter