joker batman vs superman

This morning I was sitting with my 7 year old son watching our cartoons as we do everyday we have off together. We just happened to be watching Superman the animated series on the HUB. The episode was a Crossover show with Superman appearing in Gotham to save Batman from the Joker and Harley Quinn. Lex Luthor decides to show up and teams up with the gruesome two some of Harley and the Joker.

While this show was released in the late 90’s to early 2000’s, it got me thinking about the new Batman vs Superman movie thats set to released in 2015. Could Warner Bros take an idea that was so long ago and apply it to the new film? I believe whoever they choose, the Joker is the ideal villian for both Batman and Superman because he has suceeded in pushing both heros to their limits. He is like Batman’s best friend which in a sick way is why Batman could never kill him, and he is always one step ahead of Lex Luthor. Could he be the one in charge? We will soon have to wait and see.

mark hamill joker batman vs superman

There has already been a release that Jessi Eisenberg (Zombieland/Adventureland) star is set to play the villianous Lex Luthor, but could we  see the Clown Prince of Darkness’s evil grin once again on the big screen? If he was to appear, who would win the right to replace what Heath Ledger left audiences with in Christopher Nolans epic trilogy? I for one would love to see Mark Hamill wear the sinister grin. He has already lent his voice for the Batman Animated Series Joker, and the Arkham Asylum, and Arkham City Joker, for the game consoles,  so him playing the Joker on screen would only make sence.

The second question that arises is who would fill the seductive role of the Jokers counterpart Harley Quinn? It would have to be someone who not only looked hot, but also could be a kick-ass babe with a gun.  My choices would have to be Mila Kunis after her dark rendition of the Wicked Witch of the West in The Great and Powerful OZ, and her kick-ass moves in The Book of Eli. I could also see Chloe Moretz after her exquiste maneuvering in both Kick Ass and Kick Ass 2, and her sinister side as she torn up her high school peers in the remake of Carrie.

If Warner Bros decide to go that route and do a villian team up to stop the heroic pairs of Batman and Superman, I believe that it could have a really good story line, but if they dont, I honestly dont care. The fact that they are finally making a Batman vs Superman film in my day and age is enough to satisfy my Geeknormous appetite.  So whatever Warner Bros and Zack Snyder decide to do, I am expecting a record breaking  Blockbuster Sellout never the less.
