batman vs superman batmobile

What Batman themed movie would be complete without a little Batmobile love?

Batman VS Superman obviously couldn’t keep its grubby little mitts off the keys, as our friends at Batman-On-Film (who we recently interviewed!) reveal some insider information.

“Happy New Year! I have a minor update regarding location shooting BvS. I was told that location shooting of vehicle chase scenes (read: Batmobile scenes) will not take place until the Summer. I am under the impression that other location shooting, including exteriors — in addition to studio shooting — could begin as soon as next month, but that has not been confirmed. I’ll continue to keep my ears to the ground.”

Hmmm… While I’d normally be tempted into some unfounded theory (Superman chasing Batman through the streets of Metropolis!?!?! Batman hunting down some villains in Gotham? What’s going on!?!?!) I’m happy just to hear the Batmobile will be included. I hope it has big fat Bat ears, like the classic Batman Forever car sported. After all, when patrolling the streets of Gotham, nothing says “I’m not Batman. Go about your normal nefarious business as usual” like a giant bat themed whip.

And since we’re talking about a summer shoot, I’d love for Batman vs Superman to have a cold, Wintery feeling to it. Batman is best in a barren, black, urban expanse littered with tiny wisps of snow. I know Batman VS Superman is technically Man of Steel 2, but I’d still like it to have a “Badass Batman” vibe to it.

BTW, did you see our article yesterday about all the latest Bat-fleck gossip?  We’ve got the scoop on the Kryptonian origins of Wonder Woman, Ben Affleck’s Batman vibe, and more.

batman vs superman

SOURCE: Batman-on-Film