SDCC: Marvel Cinematic Universe – Phase Two!

Tonight Marvel had their Iron Man 3 panel, where producer Kevin Feige and several special guests did more than just talk about the latest adventure of old bucket head (which you can see in theaters on May 3rd, 2013).

First Marvel revealed the names of the four currently in-development Marvel Cinmatic Universe movies plus they showed off the Ant-Man test-footage (you can read our article about that here).  The director of the footage and the forthcoming film Edgar Wright was on stage to demo-it.

Here’s the description of the footage from the Marvel Live Blog:

A hallway. An air conditioning grate. Tiny little Ant-Man

Ant-Man running on a gun! Ant-Man shrinking and growing back and forth and punching and doing something amazing and that was awesome!

We knew that the sequel to Thor was coming and the sequel to Captain America was in development, but today we can now confirm their names.  We reported earlier that Thor 2 was rumored to be called Thor: The Darkest World (you can read the article here), the actually name is Thor: The Dark World. and it’s due out November 8th, 2013.

Captain America will be returning in his sequel, Captain America: The Winter Solider!  The new movie directed by the Russo brothers is scheduled to be out April 4th, 2014.  I think we can safely assume from the title that a certain character will be returning in awesome form!

The fourth and final movie revealed was Guardians of the Galaxy (you can read a previous report on that flick here).  The cast of characters in that movie: Drax, Groot, Starlord, Gamora and Rocket Raccoon.   And you can look forward to those space adventures when the movie hits theaters August 1st, 2014, until then you can check out two pieces of concept art below.

There you have it guys, the second phase of the Marvel Cinematic universe!  What do you think?  Are you excited to see these flicks?  Are you ready for the awesomeness of Groot and Rocket Racoon?  Tell us your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below.

SOURCE: Marvel