You Can Give Up Hope Of A Rocksteady Dark Knight Rises Game Now

Yeah yeah, there wasn’t even a rumor about this happening, but it still would’ve been cool. Speaking to the Official Playstation Magazine, Sefton Hill (director of the phenomenal Arkham Asylum/City games) said this, regarding Nolan’s Batman movies in general and whether Rocksteady has any plans to make a video game tie-in for The Dark Knight Rises.


PM: Have you ever been approached to do a tie-in game for The Dark Knight Rises? If not, would you like to do a game based on the grittier, more grounded nature of the Nolan films?

Hill: [Laughs] I love the films. I loved Begins and I loved Dark Knight. And it’s quite interesting because we saw Dark Knight in the middle of developing Asylum, so it was already a little too late to have any impact. Still, it was interesting to see where they were going, as opposed to where we were going.

One of the interesting things for us about the licence that we have is that we can make a game that’s designed to be a game, and that is a very different story to a film. If you’re writing a story for a film for two hours, it’s a very specific narrative. Whereas for a game we’re writing a story for 15 hours and then we’re also writing 12 side-stories in a way that you would just never do in a film.

OPM: So we shouldn’t expect a tie-in game from you next summer, then?

Hill: No, I don’t think so. I think that’s one thing you can rule out.


Shame, a TDKR video game through the eyes of Rocksteady would’ve been interesting. At this point, I highly doubt there’ll be a Dark Knight Rises video game tie-in at all, as it takes years to make a game. The only Nolan Batgame we’ve had was a game for Batman Begins (trust me, you really weren’t missing anything), but coincedentally there was a video game for The Dark Knight deep in development. Gary Oldman and some of the other actors even recoreded some dialogue, but the studio went bust half way through production. Still, we can look forward to a third Arkham game can’t we?