Sefton Hill – “We’re Putting Everything We Have Into ARKHAM KNIGHT”

In a recent interview with gaming magazine GamesBatman: Arkham Knight director Sefton Hill assures fans of the popular game series that the upcoming titles is the Batman game Rocksteady has always wanted to make, and that there’s no holding back thanks to next-gen gaming technology.

sefton hill arkham city

“Ever since Batman: Arkham Asylum, our approach has been to put everything we have into every game we make. We never hold ideas back because you never know what’s around the corner. So I guess you could describe that as a ‘kitchen sink’ approach but I’d prefer to say it’s more of a ‘live every game as if it’s your last’ approach (mainly because it sounds more poetic).” 

One of the biggest additions to the Arkham Knight is the level of detail being put into Gotham City, Batman’s home turf. So far it’s been represented well, giving players partial access to it in Batman: Arkham City and expanding on it in WB Montreal’s prequel, Batman: Arkham Origins. Now with the power of the Xbox One and Playstation 4, Hill promises that Gotham City will be  a bigger, better, and more immerse city than ever before.

“We’ve finally got the chance to show what the whole of Gotham City looks like in the Arkhamverse, and it’s huge: full of massive skyscrapers, dark grimy alleyways and glaring neon. And rain – we’ve spent a lot of time making the rain feel just right! The sun hardly ever shines in Gotham, and switching to new-gen consoles has made it possible for us to bring that unique atmosphere to life in a way that hasn’t been done before in gaming.”

arkham knight gotham

Sounds like Rocksteady will strike gold once more with their latest adaption of the Batman legend. Though an official release date in 2015 has yet to be announced, patience definitely will be a virtue in regards to this game. Rocksteady hasn’t let fans down yet, and I doubt their last entry into the Dark Knight’s story will be any different.