New Images for Luigi’s Mansion 2 and Mario Tennis Open

Hard to imagine that a game from over ten years ago is getting a sequel, eh? Luigi’s Mansion 2 surprisingly hasn’t been getting too much hype, there hasn’t been a big update in awhile. While not big, something interesting has come afloat. Below is a brand new image from the game, featuring a familiar figure next to Mario’s brother.

Interesting, so it appears that Toad will give the green-hatted plumber a helping hand in the game. (It looks like Luigi has found his Tails.)

In other Mario-related news, check out a bunch of new images from the upcoming installment in the Mario Tennis series, Open.

This games looks to be the best installment yet in the franchise, it does me good to see a Galaxy-themed stage in the game.

For more images, click here: Nintendo 3DS Blog