Legend of Zelda Enters The Battlefield in Hyrule Total War

What’s better than replaying the old Legend of Zelda games? You know… scrolling through your long list of save files, carefully choosing which profile has the least collected items, and then losing yourself for a few hours as you run through that same quest over and over again, all just so you can recapture that satisfying release as you win yet another Piece of Heart.

Don’t feel bad, we all do this. It’s our only way to pass the time until Nintendo releases another entry into the series. Well, I’ve discovered a pretty great way to shake it up, and it’s a fan made mod by the name of Hyrule Total War. Check it out below…

And here’s a look at the huge, epic finale (with obligatory Main Boss reveal)…

Now that I’ve shared this golden nugget of awesomeness, go out into the wild and spread the word to the rest of the world. Oh, and if you were one of the folks who failed to inform me about this when it first debuted, then you owe me two cherry cokes, a large pint of the fizzy stuff, and three Hylian shim shammies (if you don’t know, don’t ask).