CUT TO: Podcast – STAR WARS Speculation and Every TV Show Ever

After that, uh, lengthy break, full episodes of your favorite podcast have returned!

rick and morty house of cards mr robot

We apologize in advance because this is what folks who enjoy television might call “filler”. There have been no good movies out the past couple of weeks, so instead we review some of our favorite TV shows, including Rick and Morty, Mr. Robot, House of Cards and more. We don’t totally abandon the movie world though!

We also get into some discussion of Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Force Friday, with some speculation on character backgrounds and story arcs based on the toys released this weekend! So sit back, relax and enjoy the start of our fall run here at Cut To! There are some great movies coming out over the next few months and we absolutely cannot wait to discuss them with you!

Cut To: Podcast takes a snarky look at all things film and pop culture with absolutely no edits. We’ll be back next week with a new episode! You can follow us on Twitter at @CalebH92 and @ConnorFilm. Also, if you enjoy the show, you can subscribe to us on iTunes to get weekly episodes automatically on your iPhone, iPad, Mac and PC!

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