SPOILER: The Walking Dead Reveals Its Newest Character

Last night’s episode of The Walking Dead was about as good a season finale as fans could have possibly hoped for. While the rest of the season’s been consumed with Shane’s craziness and the search for Sophia, last night was the only time we’ve been treated to a simple, bawls to the wall, zombie fest. In other words, IT WAS AWESOME!

Now, if you’re familiar with Robert Kirkman’s comics, which serve as the inspiration for the TV series, then you’ve probably figured out that this show isn’t the most faithful adaptation. Still… it looks like one of the most important characters from the books will be making a huge splash in Season 3, and it’s none other than that samurai sword wielding phenom, Michonne.

There’s quite a few reasons why we should all be really excited for this character’s appearance. For one thing, she’s pretty damn badass… did you see those pet zombies she was dragging around!?!?!? And, as said before, she’s a master with a samurai sword, which seems like the ideal weapon in a zombie apocalypse. After all, that’s always been one thing that’s bugged me. If you have mindless creatures slowly pursuing you, who happen to have terrible motor skills, then why don’t you just slice and dice them with a giant sword?

But enough rambling from me, the most important reason to be psyched about Michonne is because of the actress who’ll portray her, Danai Gurira. You’ll probably recognize her from Treme, where she was a pretty convincing character by the name of Jill.

So, what do you guys think? Happy with Gurira? Prefer someone else? Concerned that they’ll butcher the character, like they did with some of the others? Sound off below