SDCC: Man Of Steel Teaser Trailer Leaks

Director Zack Snyder decided to show a juicy new trailer for his Superman reboot Man of Steel at this years San Diego Comic Con, and we’ve managed to get our rotten little hands on it. Featuring Henry Cavill in the those iconic red and blue space jammies, Kevin Costner as Pa Kent (thanks to Cody for the quick smack to the digital cranium), and a very Gladiator-esque voicover by Russell Crowe, this sneak peak is enough to moisten to loins of even the most die-hard Marvel fanboy.

Check it out below!

So whatcha think? There’s a reason Superman is the greatest superhero in the world, and I think this footage just helps to remind us. Hopefully, the film will live up to its potential, because this is easily my most anticipated flick of 2013 (sorry Thor 2… please don’t cry!)

SOURCE: We Got This Covered