More Subtle DARK KNIGHT TRILOGY Bashing Used to Market MAN OF STEEL

Comparisons between Christopher Nolan’s billion dollar trilogy and his new take (as producer) on Superman were bound to draw comparisons at one point or another, but the simple use of “this is better than that” seems to be the cornerstone of Warner Bros. marketing campaign. Amidst all of their overused superlatives, MAN OF STEEL is the beneficiary, perpetually the better when compared to THE DARK KNIGHT TRILOGY.

While I wouldn’t want to complain too much about such a callous tactic, the whole nature of it seems a bit backhanded. After all, Batman is the WB’s main bread and butter, and even though their comments comparing the Caped Crusader’s recent flicks to the new Superman movie aren’t disparaging, they’re essentially saying “It’s gonna be a lot like those Dark Knight movies, but BIGGER and BETTER!”

This fight scene looks load busting levels of awesome

Even longtime Nolan collaborator David S. Goyer got in on the action in this simple statement:

“There is more action in Man of Steel than any of the Dark Knight Films”

If the most recent trailer is any indication, than our favorite snuggly, Kryptonian Jesus may actually prove to be a real badass, but I still don’t appreciate the ol’ Batman bashing.

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SOURCE: Empire