Marvel Wants Joaquin Phoenix For DOCTOR STRANGE

He may not get as much attention as characters like Batman and Superman do, but Doctor Strange has been a hotbed for casting rumors ever since his solo film was announced…and even a little before that. Names mentioned for the role include Tom Hardy, Benedict Cumberbatch and Jared Leto, and now we can add another name to that list.

The Wrap is reporting that Joaquin Phoenix (Walk the Line, Her) is being looked at to play Marvel’s Sorcerer Supreme on the big screen. Now, it’s important to note that he isn’t in final negotiations or anything like that. The article specifically states he “in consideration and has had discussions about the movie.” Discussions are always a good sign…right? This isn’t the first superhero movie that Phoenix has been associated with recently. Earlier this year, he was rumored to be in discussions to play Lex Luthor in Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice, a role that has since been filled by Jesse Eisenberg.


Now, you might be asking yourself, “What makes this casting rumor different from the rest?” Well, apparently there is more to the story than originally thought. According to tweets found by The Playlist, Phoenix has been seen at comic book stores recently…buying Doctor Strange comics! That has to mean something! I could be wrong, but Phoenix doesn’t strike me as a casual comic book reader. If he is indeed buying comics, it’s more than likely research for a role.

It’s more than just buying source material, however. Phoenix is an actor who has largely avoided blockbuster films in favor of character-driven independent films, so for him to sign what would definitely be a multi-picture deal would be huge. The original Wrap article speculates that because Doctor Strange is a lesser-known character, Marvel is eager to attach a high profile actor to the role to bring in a bigger audience.



Like with Luthor, I wouldn’t have thought to put him on my list of actors, but now that he’s been mentioned, I’m on board for it! He certainly has the acting chops to play Stephen Strange, and like Robert Downey Jr. does with Tony Stark, I could see him bringing a unique and eccentric gravitas to the role. The only problem would be keeping Phoenix around for more than one movie. Marvel’s going to have to throw a lot of cash at him.

There are still several days left at Comic-Con, and with Doctor Strange recently announced for release on July 8, 2016, we’ll likely learn who is playing the Sorcerer Supreme quite soon. Keep your ears tuned!


SOURCE: The Wrap and The Playlist