Lex Luthor Description for BATMAN VS SUPERMAN Sounds Like The Worst Thing Ever

He’s a tech guru. I know we saw it coming from a mile away, but according to the latest leaks, Lex Luthor’s Lexcorp will have a ‘dotcom’, ‘hip millennial’, ‘hipster’ vibe to it in Batman vs Superman. I’m not entirely opposed to the concept of a revitalized evil billionaire, but I’m going to take a few brief minutes to ridicule. Or rather, poke fun.

Here’s the leak:

A source close to Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has informed me that production is heading to LexCorp next week. In Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel sequel, LexCorp is described as a young, edgy company. Think of it as a .com or Google type workplace. It’s a smart company with a stylish vibe, a youthful clash of rock and roll, preppy, and nerdy employees. Hipsters!

The face of modern wealth is an endless portrait of young, tech-wise, geeks. If Lex Luthor embodies that cultural pastiche, then I’m more than down. Nothing like a unique twist on a venerated franchise to fold a little bit of mystery into an otherwise well-trodden path. But why cast Jesse Eisenberg? The dude already played a psycho, billionaire, super villain in The Social Network. There’s nothing more frightening than watching a slightly Aspergery Mark Zuckerberg conquer the world, one virtual like at a time.

If this leaked description of Lexcorp is accurate, and I think we can safely assume it is, why couldn’t director Zack Snyder choose a wilder choice? I agree, Eisenberg perfectly portrays the soulless tech geek, but why couldn’t we delivered the role to a thespian with a wider range. Someone who could actually surprise us with their performance.

As is, Eisenberg will undoubtedly deliver a golden performance as Lex. The dude’s perfect for a robotic, menacing villain. It’s just… well, I don’t want to see a recycled Zuckerberg fighting against Superman. Eisenberg should either deliver us a uniquely different performance or Snyder should’ve cast someone outside of the mold.  But with Facebook I mean, Lexcorp as his base of operations, he’s stale.

As it stands, this version of Lex Luthor just sounds too much like every other performance Eisenberg’s rendered in years past. He’s really developing into a Samuel Jackson type, as he essentially plays himself in every movie.
