J.R.R. Tolkien’s Grandson Tells Peter Jackson To Do What He Wants

Everyone seems to love the Lord of the Rings flicks, and quite a few even prefer the Ian McKellen led threesome to the books on which they’re based, but it’s been frequently noted that J.R.R. Tolkien’s descendants aren’t the biggest fans. In fact, his son Christopher, who’s responsible for constructing the snooze fest known as The Silmarillion (please don’t kill me fanboys), is so offended by Peter Jackson’s adaptations that he refuses to sell the rights to any further Middle Earth stories. As a bit of a Tolkien addict, with a particular obsession with the questionably omnipotent Tom Bombadil (he COULD be Aule, too), the thought of a Tolkien-less movie season is sad. Super sad. Like… buy a pint of Cherry Garcia ice cream, an old rotisserie chicken on the discount shelf, a 6 pack of Hoegaarden, and cry yourself to sleep level of sad.

But there may be a single hint of hope at the edge of all this dreariness. Simon Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien’s son and a well known British novelist, has come out again in support of Peter Jackson (as he did during the original LOTR). Or, at least it seems that way. In a recent interview, when asked about the upcoming release of THE HOBBIT : AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY, he said…

The Hobbit is a short book my grandfather wrote for his children in the 1930s. The only way it’s going to work, in a certain sense, is if Jackson makes his own film, his own script and his own story. I personally think films work best if they’re not enslaved to the books from which they come.

BOOM! He’s still on our side, and that’s all I needed to hear!  There’ll be another trilogy! And then another! And another! And Another!!!

Gandalf approves…