Comic Con Box #3 Unboxing Review

Wizard World organizers of some of the largest and coolest comic cons in the US have just entered the monthly subscription box game.  Theirs is aptly titled Comic Con Box.  The box will run you $29.99 plus about seven dollars shipping depending on where you live.  Each monthly box carries with it a theme and we’ll be checking out box #3 with the theme of adventure.


Fitting very nicely with the comic con theme is an exclusive item from 2015’s San Diego Comic Con from NECA.  These NECA scalers are pretty cool exclusive items that can fit nicely anywhere.  The next item is a chomping dinosaur.  It’s the type of item you’d expect to see at a gift shop outside of a museum.  While it doesn’t seem to fit in this box, I know some younger kids who are going to have a blast with this.


Next up we have a legend of Zelda Mascot Dangler by Tomy.  It’s a blind bag with 1 of six options.  While its a smaller item it is very much a cool one.  Next we have a DVD of Ant Boy.  This is a Danish kid’s film that was dubbed into English.  The film has a score of 5.4 on IMDB and I can’t honestly imagine myself ever watching this.  The inclusion of a DVD is pretty cool, but I think the selection could have been better on this one.


Also included is an exclusive cover variant of Ant-Man Larger Than Life #1.  I definitely dig it when monthly boxes include a comic, especially a variant cover.  The next item is perhaps the oddest item ever, an Adventure Time Dog Toy.    While it can double as a plush for a younger kid, I am giving this one to my mother in law’s Chihuahua.


A print from Artist Rob Prior (Heavy Metal, Spawn) entitled Vader of the Lost Ark was included.  This is a high quality print and a damn cool mash up.


The exclusive t-shirt is to my mind where monthly subscription services justify their cost.  This is an exclusive Doctor Who print that should be a hit with any Whovian.


The final two items are a Jurassic Strike Force Five exclusive mini comic.  The 10 year old me would have loved this, the older me just sees a TMNT rip off.  Potentially the coolest item is a coupon for a free modern submission for a CGC rating at any Wizard World Comic Con Event.  While the cost for this service varies from 3% to $60 a CGC book exponentially raises the value of any comic.  I am truly bummed I will not be able to cash this in this year, but anyone with this box that plans to visit a Wizard World Comic Con Event just got a huge value increase for this box.


So is this box worth $37 to you?  I can’t tell you that.  What I can tell you is that next month’s theme is science and will include a Terminator, Iron Man, Mega Man, Donkey Kong and Aliens item.



M.R. Gott is a sad little man who collects toys and dabbles in horror fiction