Does this property deserve attention? Read on to find out.

The official description from Image:

A heist story unlike any before! Mega-churches are being robbed for millions of dollars by a crusader hacker group known as Samaritan who is giving the money to causes they deem more worthy. This modern day “Robin Hood” is being pursued by two FBI agents who actually admire their quarry but want to stop the theft before it escalates.

The Tithe 1_Variant Cover PreviewI have to say that seeing the creative team from Think Tank reunited on a brand new title brings a smile to my face. Sure I’m impatient and I want more of those science fiction shenanigans with Dr. David Loren but this release helps sate my appetite. What fanboys and fangirls are bound to get out of this book is a fairly straight forward but nonetheless engrossing yarn. So by all means in April go grab a copy, find a quite spot and enjoy the awesomeness therein

Matt Hawkins earns praise with this heist piece. Within the confines of these pages is a group of individuals that are seemingly determined to punish mega-churches that have abused their place in society. Most people are no doubt aware of some of the more regrettable aspects of such organizations as Samaritan, with a team to support, takes them on for the whole world to see. And what makes it believable is consistent quality born from the written word, wherein the author gives differing perspectives on both legal and illegal activity in the pursuit of some form of justice.

There are times in this narrative where I’m sure that readers might believe that some of the actions seem questionable, but thanks to the brilliant artwork in this comic they’ll be too distracted to care. Rahsan Ekedal continues to be, even in color, a proficient illustrator that understands his way around a pencil. Each panel is expertly realized with constant and controlled renditions. The end result is a visual portion that deserves to catch even the most discerning eye. And, for me, between talents like him and Stjepan Šejić I have hope for the future of this little industry.

The Tithe #1 represents a quality romp into rebellious wilderness that’s bound to turn heads. It might upset people but after they finish kicking up dirt they’ll realize that what the creative team gives us is worth a look as this comes recommended.

  • + Excellent visuals.
  • + Carried a smart script.
  • + A heist that held my attention.
  • - Samaritan needs further development...

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