Is this a look into the American Revolution that fans need? Or is it something you should miss altogether? Read on to find out.

The official description from Dark Horse:

Best-selling writer Brian Wood!

In a rush of great public resistance to an oppressive and excessive government, a homegrown militia movement is formed in rural America. This is not 2015, but 1775. With the war for independence playing out across the colonies, young Seth and Mercy Abbott find their new marriage tested at every turn, as the demands of the frontlines and the home front collide.

Rebels #1 previewEver since I was a kid, I’ve always been fascinated by history, with my main interest focusing towards the various wars. For a long time, I felt this said something negative about me as a person, but as I grew older, I realised that unfortunately horrific events are just more memorable. That being said, the fictional take on these very real events have caused mixed opinions, with some astounding, and other disappointing. Rebels falls closer to the former, as though there’s still a lot of ground to build on, this initial introduction to Seth Abbott’s involvement in the American Revolution is definitely alluring.

Giving a somewhat emotional look into this pivotal point in American history, Brian Wood certainly grabbed this fanboys attention, with the narration from main character, Seth, being very dramatic. The captivating way that Wood’s managed to add a family feel also impressed, as though the gritty reality of war is present, it was nice to see some heart to the main characters. It also goes to remind us that the casualties of war is more than just the lives of men, with Seth’s monologue showing great emotion towards the teachings of his dad, and love of his future wife.

The visuals also prove mesmerizing, with the gritty, yet detailed pencils of Andrea Mutti being astonishing from start to finish. Capturing the American Revolution in a dynamic fashion, the artist quickly captures this readers interest, with the beautiful costumes, and realistic tone being truly fascinating. The way that he captures the Redcoats in a negative way also helps to build animosity between the warring factions, with the intense action only emphasising this. Colourist, Jordie Bellaire, also manages to convey the rustic tone of this conflict, with her deep colours allowing for wonderful texture.

Rebels is a wonderful insight into the American Revolution, as though there is a lot still to explore, the character depth more than intrigues. The immersive narration, and gritty artwork also manages to draw this reader in, with the second issue not coming soon enough.

  • + Intriguing look into the American Revolution.
  • + Brian Wood's gives wonderful depth and emotion.
  • + Seth Abbott is a character I want to read more of.
  • - Still a lot to explore.

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