Thor: The Dark World Set To Film An Epic Battle In The UK

Filming for Thor: The Dark World begins soon in the UK and the production office has sent out a letter to the residents of the Bourne Wood area (where movies such as Robin Hood and Captain America: The First Avenger were filmed) to tell them that they’ll  be filming an epic battle scene for the sequel between August and September.

We are writing to let you know about some filming about to be undertaken in Bourne Wood in the coming months. Please find a brief overview and introduction to this project.

“Thursday Mourning” is the working title of a major feature film. It is comic book adaptation set in another “fictional realm”.

We will be establishing a fictional village set in another realm, with yurts and village like dressing in the bowl. The sequence involves a battle between two kingdoms, ending in our comic book hero arriving to save the day. The sequence will involve a substantial amount of Stunts and controlled special effects all within the hours 0700 – 1900hrs. 

We plan to use most of the areas that are usually occupied by film units for all our support vehicles. The sequence will involve approximately 300 extras who will arrive in the early hours prior to call time to go through costume and makeup.

The title ‘Thursday Mourning’ is a production title for the sequel, and even though it doesn’t specifically state this is for Thor: The Dark World it’s pretty clear that’s what it is for. What do you think this scene is about? Sound off below.

SOURCE: Coming Soon