SUPERMAN LIVES Kickstarter Documentary Releases Trailer

Remember that Kickstarter from a few months ago that was making the documentary about Tim Burton’s unrealized Superman film? Well, now we get our first glimpse into this endeavor with the trailer for “The Death of Superman Lives: What Happened?”

Although is doesn’t reveal much, it does show that the movie will be released in summer 2014, and we will see interviews with the almost-Superman Nicolas Cage and “All-Star Superman” scribe Grant Morrison. There’s also some cool concept art and production photos that will be shown, only a few of which we’ve only had brief glimpses of in the weird corners of the Internet.

According to director Jon Schnepp’s Kickstarter page, Schnepp was fascinated by Tim Burton’s attempt to make a Superman movie in the ’90s. Not only would Burton have directed and Cage been the man in the red cape, but Kevin Smith would have been the main writer. The Kickstarter project, which originally asked for $98,000, received $115,110 by March. 10 in a period of 45 days. Scnepp also says the premiere will be at one of the larger comic-conventions.

Of what little I’ve seen, this documentary looks like it’s going to be awesome. I was already intrigued by its Kickstarter roots, but I was surprised when I saw that they were able to get interviews with some high-profile people. It will be interesting to learn how this movie came about and how it ended up never being made. From what I’ve seen of the concept art, this looks like it was going to be a bizarre Superman tale. Despite my distaste for Burton, I would have loved to see this movie come to fruition.

I can only pray that we get some test footage of Cage in the Superman suit. Sure we’ve seen some pictures, but actual video of him? Oh, how that would make my day!

For more info on the documentary, head over to their Kickstarter page.

SOURCE: ComicsAlliance