STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS Might Break Every Record Ever

If that title seems like a bit of an exaggeration, then you’ve probably been living under a rock. Hope you like it under there. Stay hydrated.

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As the most highly anticipated movie of the year, everyone expected Star Wars to do well. But it’s almost insane how well it’s doing, and how quickly it’s getting there. In just five days, the movie racked up more than $300 million in domestic box offices. A lot of this was gained during the film’s opening weekend, during which the new Disney/Lucasfilm release managed domestic profits of $248 million and global earnings of $539 million. Between the opening weekend profits and the quick accumulation of more than $300 million, The Force Awakens has beaten two records previously held by Jurassic World. In other words, this has been a big year for cinema in general.

But the records don’t stop there. Monday, Star Wars: The Force Awakens managed to bring in domestic earnings of $40.1 million. Monday isn’t generally a huge day for moviegoers, and this is the highest that profits have ever been on a day when people should have been at work. The previous record for Monday box office intake was $27.7 million, set in 2004 by Spider-Man 2.

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To put all of this in perspective, Attack of the Clones had a domestic total of about $310 million. So The Force Awakens is already set to beat a film within its own franchise, having already beaten out Jurassic World, another amazing sequel to a beloved childhood franchise. Director J.J. Abrams must be feeling pretty smug right now, but he also might have further reason to celebrate.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is almost certain to bring in some extra dough over the holiday weekend, as well as Christmas Day itself. As of now, it’s already getting surprisingly close to hitting $1 billion within its first full week in theaters. The highest-grossing film of all time is James Cameron’s Avatar, which made total profits of $2.79 billion. Star Wars may still have to work a bit to get there, but it’s certainly looking like a viable candidate to beat out Cameron’s record.

Maybe The Force Awakens won’t beat literally every box office record in existence, but it certainly has a shot at beating the big ones. What’s crazy is that we’re only talking about box office totals. We haven’t even factored in toys, comics, clothes, and other merchandise (I think they even have Star Wars-themed mascara now). In short, this film is making bank. So next time you see it, just remember that you might be helping a film make history in record time. That’s a pretty decent excuse to go to the movies.

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