Some Potential Iron Man 3 Details Leaked

The ever reliable Latino Review have reportedly been contacted by a source claiming that they know inside info on Iron Man 3. Basically, the movie will be a partial adaptation of the hugely-popular Extremis storyline. As always, take this with a grain of salt but also keep in mind that this was the site who broke the news that Christopher Nolan and David Goyer would be involved in Man Of Steel. There is a video but is too large for our software-stuff, so head over to LR (link above) to watch it. Read it below:

– Nanobots, people!

– Nanobots that make villains

– Nanobots that can also make Tony Stark more than a man in a suit.

– Which is an idea planted in Tony Stark’s head by Captain America in THE AVENGERS because Avengers leads directly into Iron Man 3.

– Production on Iron Man 3 starts in May.

Woah! Now, in the Extremis storyline a terrorist was injected with the serum and it re-wrote his codes with nanobots, giving him super-strength, super-speed, electrical and fire breathing powers. It’s EXTREMELY (pun intended) likely that Iron Man’s archnemsis The Mandarin will be the main villain in the threequel, and in the graphic novel the terrorist was the villain and his name was Mallen. It’s possible Mandarin is replacing Mallen in the movie, or maybe Mallen will be a part of the terrorist organisation the Ten Rings, obviously run by Mandarin. Head over to Latino Review for more details