Patrick Stewart Teases Return As Professor X In A Future X-MEN Movie

A few weeks ago news broke with nearly zero credibility that Sir Patrick Stewart nodded to a fan in an Apple store when he was asked if he would be returning as Professor X in a future X-Men movie, prompting rampant fan speculation. The sequel to X-Men: First Class is a loose adaptation of the comics story X-Men: Days of Future Past, and it will include both young and old versions of the main cast. Some more reliable news on the matter has come in, as Stewart was asked questions regarding his return at Montreal Comic-Con this week. When he was asked if he would return, he smiled, and said, “I think there is every possibility.”

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And finally, what every X-Men fan has been wanting to here, Stewart said, “Yes, I’ll be reprising…” before he was cut short by his son Daniel (damn you Daniel!). I’m taking this as confirmation that he’ll be back, as it’s not exactly a stretch of imagination that he would given the plot of the next movie. Do you want to see Patrick Stewart reprise his role as Professor X in X-Men: Days of Future Past? Share your thoughts below.

SOURCE: Newsarama