New Story Details On Iron Man 3!

Surfacing in a Chinese newspaper, some new story details for Iron Man III have leaked, confirming that Andy Lau will have a role in the movie and seemingly revealing The Mandarin as the villain. I’ll be honest… This movie sounds awfully convoluted. I’ll wait until official story details hit, but with the arrival of these new details I’m a little worried.

“The film will have location shooting in Beijing and Shanghai, it will narrates that the daughter of Robert Downey Jr.’s friend was kidnapped and brought to China, in order to save his friend’s daughter, he flew over from America to China to seek help from Andy to strengthen his abilities to fight The Mandarin. You will see Iron Man fly over The Great Wall of China, National Palace Museum and other landmarks in Shanghai…May 2013

In order not to hurt the feelings of Western and Chinese audience, the story will not focus so much on the villain’s background as not to display the Chinese as evil. [The production] had already got approval from the State Administration of Radio Film and Television in order to be shot, all contents that harms Chinese image had been “removed”, this explains why the villain will be a bit different from the original comic.”

I hope they’ve mis-interpreted the details as I don’t like the sound of this. What the hell does any of this have to do with Extremis?