There, I said it!
Today we received word that the upcoming flick set to feature a mammoth crossover between, at least, two DC icons has some potential names floating around.
According to Fusible:
…“Man of Steel Battle the Knight”, “Man of Steel Beyond Darkness”, “Man of Steel Black of Knight”, “Man of Steel Darkness Falls”, “Man of Steel Knight Falls”, “Man of Steel Shadow of the Night”, “Man of Steel The Blackest Hour”, and “Man of Steel The Darkness Within”.
Shorter variations of the names were also registered like, “Battle the Knight”, “Black of Knight”, “Knight Falls”, and “The Blackest Hour”.
Alright a couple of those weren’t that bad, but I can’t help it!
I know feelings are mixed on Man of Steel, personally I dug the flick. It had flaws but I appreciate what the team behind it was trying to do. That said, are these really the best names they could come up with? Faith in the movie is dwindling as we speak!
I want the movie to be named: The World’s Finest.
It doesn’t matter that we have an older Batman and a younger Superman who are bound to clash, we all know how this one is destined to shake out.
But what do my fellow fanboys and fangirls think? Do any of these titles tickle your fancy or am I right to call ’em terrible? Sound off with your thoughts and opinions in the comments section.
The blockbuster sequel is set to grace your local theater July 17, 2015.
SOURCE: Fusible
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