Kevin Feige Says BLACK PANTHER Movie Is Coming


Marvel is definitely giving me plenty of reason to shout ‘Excelsior!’ these days. In a recent interview with BlackTree TV, Marvel Studios President and comic-book movie overlord Kevin Feige spoke about the possibility of  solo movies involving Loki and Black Panther. While he believes Loki has a lot more stories to tell in Thor’s universe, he says a film involving the King of Wakanda is in Marvel’s future, stating:

Kevin Feige

In terms of Black Panther, it’s absolutely in development [since] clearly Vibranium’s been introduced in this universe already. I don’t know when it will be exactly, but we have plans to bring him to life someday.”


I am really looking forward to this! No offense to Loki, but I think it’s time for other characters to get a little attention. Though I’m sure Black Panther will eventually become part of the Avengers in one of their sequels (possibly Avengers 3?), it would be good to see him in his own movie, just to show people who aren’t familiar with him why he’s part of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Are you excited about a Black Panther movie? Think Loki should get a film outside of Thor? Drop a comment and let me know!