Karen Gillan, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY Villain, Wants To Throw Down With THE AVENGERS

And… who doesn’t, really?

Karen Gillan, the Scottish actress (or Irish… they all sound the same to me) responsible for bringing Thanos’s bald daughter Nebula to the big screen, has just cast her ballot in the “Will They/Won’t They” debate regarding a possible Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers crossover.

The thespian said:

TF: When you talk about the Guardians vs The Avengers… is it possible?

Karen Gillan: That sounds really cool, but not something I’ve heard anything about. That sounds amazing. I’d be open to that.

TF: Which Avenger would you be most excited to see

Karen Gillan: Iron Man. Robert Downey Jr. is really funny. I just love the tone of the Iron Man films. You can really see Robert Downey Jr.’s influence on those films. I love how they talk over each other. There are all of these two shots and there’s such a specific tone to all of the acting that I really love in those films.

While this may seem like a ridiculous question, since every actor in Hollywood would love to trade lines with RDJ, Gillan is a more likely candidate than most. Her character, Nebula, is fairly present in the Infinity Gauntlet comic arc, which is a tale Joss Whedon is rumored to adapt for The Avengers 3. Although, in that cosmic story, Thanos transforms Nebula (again, she’s the big purple baddy’s daughter) into a decrepit alien zombie, so she might not interact with other characters too much.  Beyond eating brains and being generally creepy, that is.