Judge Dredd Leaked Footage

If you remember, a few days ago we brought you a first look at the new Judge Dredd movie. Well, now that we’ve seen you’re reaction to that little find, I’d like to introduce you to some newly leaked post-production footage. While there’s still quite a ways to go on the film, this quick video gives us a look at a few motion shots. Check it out below:

So what’d you guys think? Does it look better than the 90’s adaptation? Or is it headed in the same direction? I think it’s staying truer to the satyrical nature of the comic book source material, but it still doesn’t seem like it’ll be that great of a flick.

Oh, and since this movie kinda ‘recast’ the role of Dredd, (okay, not really…this is a reboot) you should go take a look at our friend ComicBookJerk‘s feelings on Hollywood recasts.