MARVEL and STAR WARS-Themed 3D Printed Bionic Arms Coming!!

This makes me feel all giddy and warm inside.

Recently there is a company by the name of Open Bionics that created 3D printed prosthetic hands. The difference about this is that these prosthetic hands is that these aren’t like all of the others. Companies usually go with a more realistic approach, but Open Bionics is going a different direction. They are creating a kid friendly artificial hand that they have created and added three themes to them that the children can choose from.

Those three themes are Iron Man, Frozen, and a Star Wars lightsaber limb.

According to Engadget,

Open Bionics is part of the 2015 Disney Accelerator Programme, which explains its choice of characters. Still, the ‘House of Mouse’ has been gracious enough to provide royalty free licenses, as well as time and input from its creative teams. Open Bionics is part of the 2015 Disney Accelerator Programme, which explains its choice of characters. Still, the ‘House of Mouse’ has been gracious enough to provide royalty free licenses, as well as time and input from its creative teams.

Personally, I think this is genius. Sure, the themes are pretty bold and not to mention they are a bit of the extreme side, but they make children who have to wear it feel confident about themselves, and better yet make them feel like a real superhero.


The founder’s Joel Gibbard says it’ll cost around $500 and be available in 2016. My favorite just so happens to be the Iron Man one. All three include the LED lights and even in the Iron Man one they added a little extra. They added a vibration motor for when the user wants to “fire” a rocket.

“Now kids can get excited about their prosthetics. They won’t have to do boring physical therapy, they’ll train to become heroes. They’re not just getting medical devices, they’re getting bionic hands inspired by their favorite characters.”

There is no mention quite yet of when is the exact date of release. There are other designs that will be coming soon!

Way to go Disney!