5 Reasons MARVEL STUDIOS Should Bring SPIDER-MAN to TV

Marvel Studios recently expanded the Marvel Cinematic Universe into the realm of TV, and while their premiere television series, Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, got off to a bit of a slow start it’s finally began to come into it’s own, but still it isn’t just quite what the fans were hoping for. Marvel regained all television rights to their most recognisable star in 2009, and unless there is a specific clause whereby they can’t portray any live action versions (a clause Marvel would be pretty insane to accept) we here at UTF think they are missing the obvious solution to their weekly episodic woes, and here’s 5 reasons why…

5 – Name Recognition


Whilst we don’t actually condone calling the show ‘Spider-Man’ a new TV series starring the web-head would not only get people talking, it would get people watching, the same people that go out in their hundreds of thousands to see the web-slinger at the cinema every time he has a new silver screen outing. We have no doubt the first episode would break all kinds of records, and what better advert could you have for an up coming movie than a cameo appearance tying into what could potentially be one of the most watched shows on TV!

4 – Expanding the Marvel Cinematic Universe


Although he could never appear on the big screen alongside his fellow heroes a Spider-Man show would open the doors to exploring the fantastic array of characters not quite big enough for the big screen. Spidey has one of the richest rogues galley, but it doesn’t end there, Spider-Man is notorious for his team ups and there aren’t many characters with a larger and more developed supporting cast in the comics.

3 – Multi Demographic Appeal


Teen drama, Super-heroics, Action, Adventure, Spider-Man has it all! If the right balance is struck then it could appeal to young and old, male and female alike. Think of a show that wasn’t just about Peter Parker and his secret identity but a supporting cast you also care about, a mix of Spider-Man loves Mary Jane and Ultimate Spider-Man, a show that focuses as much on the other characters and the man behind the mask as it does on the hero itself… the potential is enormous.

2 – Giving the Fans What they Want!


Fans don’t want to see just the ordinary people it this marvellous (sorry for the pun) world, they want the spectacular, the astonishing, the…. amazing! It’s taken them a while to get there but AoS is embracing the fantastical side of the universe more and more, but us fanboys don’t just want glimpses, we want to revel in it! No Smallville nonsense here, we want our hero suited and booted from the get go, and who better than ol webhead? The budget wouldn’t [always] have to be huge and as much time (if not more) could be spent on small screen friendly villains such as Tombstone and Kingpin for the season spanning big bad with some nice FX payoffs thrown in along the way.

1 – It’s Freaking Spider-Man


As a great man once wrote ‘Nuff Said!’