Wonder Woman #18 Review

This is truly a moment that will test the mantle of everyone’s favorite Amazon, but is it really something fans need to experience?  Read on to find out.

The official description from DC:

“The Queen of Roots”

• We’ve seen the history Wonder Woman shares with Ares — but what does the God of War have planned for her future?

Since the launch of this arc the creative team has effectively woven an odyssey of epic proportions that has seen Wonder Woman become the last of her people, study under Ares, learn to fly and become a tool for various agendas.  Through it all we’ve seen her character remain steadfast during some truly insurmountable odds but this latest issue is where it all inevitably changes.

The seasoned comic scribe Brian Azzarello easily pens this latest jaunt with precise execution as he brings this lengthy journey to a close while a new nightmare continues to loom on the horizon.  In short, after a long walk this highly focused saga had its share of narrative tangents but the capable author has always found a way to focus in on the important aspects within this tale and that continues to be true here.  From start to finish this issue does what it needs to in order to demonstrate the growth of our cast in a way that will only lighten the load for our heroine in the days to come.

Goran Sudzuka, Cliff Chiang, Tony Akins and Dan Green work together through the use of simplistic and complex illustrations to deliver art that’s readily accessible. This dynamic group uses their pencils to build a cohesive rendition of the world that, believe it or not, seamlessly moves between these engrossing pages.  Not once did I feel that the amount of talent on this book did anything more or less than give this specific outing a charming advantage.  It wasn’t a distraction in the least, instead it felt like a natural flow of creativity.

Wonder Woman #18 is an outstanding comic book that once again proves the strength of the creators behind this re-imagined property.  Recommended.


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