Guardians of the Galaxy (Comic) Banner

That’s right folks, everyone’s favorite agent is about to go intergalactic!

In the upcoming 2014 Free Comic Book Day release not only are we getting the man and his symbiote but an additional feature that paves the way for an upcoming event in Superior Spider-Man. You can expect series scribe, Brian Michael Bendis to pen the issue plus the always awesome Nick Bradshaw on the art.

As the roster expands beyond its initial set there seems to be a lot of possibilities, especially with more members of the non-cosmic persuasion entering the fray. Here’s looking at you Captain Marvel!

Guardians of the Galaxy New Member Teaser Venom on the Team

So, what about the forthcoming crossover that puts the Flash Thompson version of the character (the one featured here) in the cross-hairs of everyone’s nightmarish version of a wall-crawling menace!  Kinda defeats the potential danger of that forthcoming arc.

Alright, what do my fellow fanboys and fangirls think of all this?  Are you eager to see the team grow and evolve?  Is this a bit too weird a change for you to accept? Do you trust that the House of Ideas can even pull this off?

Sound off with your always awesome thoughts and opinions in the comments section below!

SOURCE: Digital Spy