Vampirella #24 Review

Can our hero stand up to the tremendous might brought forth by Dracula and his vile army?  Should you even care?  Read on to find out.

The official description from Dynamite:

The battle lines have been drawn! Dracula’s horrific soldiers – and his new lieutenant – are on the offensive, but they’ll have to get past Vampirella and her allies! The two-part HELL ON EARTH epic starts here! (And be sure to check out PANTHA #5 for even more of the story!)

The fate of the world is literally in the balance, as good and evil collide with humans in between.  Vampirella, Pantha and other heroes have united in an attempt to thwart the rise of Hell as it were, but in the process old wounds are opened and our heroine must learn patience when dealing with this bombardment.

Brandon Jerwa pens the script and this may be some of his best work to date.  A lot happens in this issue, characters are thrown into battle, people are being brutally murdered but he still finds time to offer at least a few lines of character development.  With all the sparks flying, it’s easy to forget how this all started but the author takes the time to highlight history even as the narrative approaches its cliffhanger finish.  When all is said and done, we’re left with a personal but highly action packed issue that will please longtime fans.

Hubert Khan Michael continues to detail the world of Vampirella with lavish lines complete with a highly skilled intent that perfectly suits the task at hand.  Each character is expertly crafted with pencil strokes that give them a kinetic life in a fairly straight forward but dynamic story.  There are some moments where faces seem a bit rushed and body parts look a tad bit off, but these brief scenes do little to sully the overall experience.

Vampirella #24 is another excellent issue that pushes the war against Dracula and his vile minions to the next logical step.  Recommended.


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