Uncanny X-Men #5 Review

Previously in Uncanny X-Men

  • Scott’s team had a recruitment drive at the Jean Grey School (suffice to say Headmaster Logan was not happy).
  • Magik had a little dimensional episode

Here is the summary from Marvel:

• FRAZER IRVING (Batman and Robin) joins the creative team of UNCANNY X-MEN!

• Learn what it’s like to be a student at Cyclops’ new school.

After returning from the Jean Grey school with a few new recruits (the ever bitchy Stepford Cuckoo’s & surprisingly the time displaced Angel) Scott’s team returns home to figure out their next move. However just as things seem peaches, Magik has a dimensional episode that places her face to face with the dread DORMAMMU! After narrowly escaping the hellish limbo Magik returns seconds later, but things aren’t clear yet as S.H.I.E.L.D. now has their sights set on the mutant revolutionaires, and Magiks episodes have just begun.

Brian Michael Bendis does a better job of characterization this issue. The X-Men here actually sound like adults, although Scott is still more laid back than usual. We see a small bit of humanity from Magik this issue as it becomes clearer just how the Phoenix shattered her powers, she is slowly losing her grip on reality and it scares her. The new recruits still don’t have much to do (aside from Eva who may already be on Emma’s bad side) but I’m sure their time is coming. Having Dormammu return was a nice surprise and it will be interesting to see what role he will play in the story. The added inclusion of the young Warren is another avenue that will be fun to see play out as the comic continues.

Frazer Irving takes over art duties from Chris Bachalo this issue and he does marvelous work. Limbo looks desolate and freaky as does ole Dormammu, who literally towers over Magik. The way he details characters is very nice to look at and his illustration of Illyana’s “darkside” is very intimidating, as she hacks and slashes her way through the denizens of Limbo. The colors can be a bit murky but they fit with the tone of the story (although I think the cover is horrendous with all of the clashing colors).

Uncanny X-Men #5 is an improvement from the last two issues (mostly because a good chunk of the dialogue from 4 is in All New X-Men #10). This is still a solid comic and with the added element of Dormammu, the next issue should be a good one as well.



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