Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #8 Review

Following on from a Decepticon heavy previous issue, Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye #8 carries on the focus, showing a group of near-likeable Decepticons in a post-war Transformers Universe.

The official description from IDW:

DINOBOT MONTH! Three years ago, Grimlock disappeared from his prison cell on Garrus 9. Where did he go? What happened to him? One thing’s for certain: the leader of the Dinobots is back—and he’s itching to settle some scores!

More Than Meets The Eye #8 picks up right where the previous issue left off. The group of Depictions are trapped, waiting for the D.J.D (Decepticon Justice Division) unless they offer up the ‘guilty’ member. This alone highlights one of the strengths of the title, showcasing different personalities and morals within the Decepticon army. Its no longer a simple case of ‘good vs bad’, and this title takes great lengths to shed new light on both sides after such a long war.

Additionally, this is also Dinobot month, with the introduction of Grimlock from the previous issue. I’m sure most Transformers fans are a familiar with Grimlock, leader of the Dinobots. As with the rest of the issue, More Than Meets The Eye #8 updates the character, showing the damage of time and Grimlocks constant fighting.

There’s a real sense in this title that the various characters have aged. Grimlock, in particular, might make an emotional impact for some readers. Of course, he still gets into a fight and beats up lots of Decepticons.

Likewise, the D.J.D themselves also provide plenty of character. This is something sold best through the art style, their larger and more ‘evil’ appearances belying their morals perfectly. The D.J.D are shown to be the worst of the Transformers, and they also seem to be unable to accept the war is over, adding more contrast and diversity into the current Transformers setting.

There is a smaller side-arc showing Skids attempts to recover his memories. Whilst short, this dialogue heavy side story does the title justice, showing yet another facet of the post-war setting. Whether this is something explored in greater detail is yet to be seen, but the personal and emotional themes shown here are certainly hopeful.

Finally, this issue ends on a more ambiguous and mysterious cliffhanger ending. No doubt many fans will find a lot to read into.


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