Think Tank #3 Review

Does this dynamic creative team deliver a third outing that’s truly worth your time?  Read on to find out.

The official description from Image:


Dr. David Loren has had enough. Enough of the death and destruction at his hands. Enough of the military men that control his life. Tonight, David finally makes his move to escape from the military think tank that has been his prison and playground for years. The only complication… he has to free an innocent woman from the same place.

From beginning to end, this is a comic book that could and should appeal to many readers who are looking for an intelligent yet entertaining romp that’ll please any potential thrill-seekers looking to expand their pull-list from their usual superhero fare.  This creative team here works so well together, that each page feels like a natural collaboration that contributes to a greater whole.

Matt Hawkins delivers a strong script that’s chock-full of strong characterization for our protagonist.  Beyond that there is intrigue and depth as the issue bounces rather freely from an intimate story to a rather fun one, centering around an intense escape.  The breakout hit in this tale however, stems from the one-liners and references pulled off in excellent fashion by our chief character, Dr. David Loren.  The timing of dialogue is near perfect as the series writer impresses with his firm control and execution of the written word.

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Rahsan Ekedal nails the look and feel of this book, by allowing his lines to not only illustrate the narrative but in many moments carry it to new heights.  His pencil strokes yield lavishly designed panels that will impress readers as they flip from page to page in this technologically centered jaunt.  The design sense, steady hand and consistent strengths therein ultimately yield an experience that’s more than worth the price of admission.

Think Tank #3 is exceptional issue that leads to a rousing cliff hanger.  Highly recommended.


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