The Shadow: Year One #2 Review

We witness the first year of this classic pulp icon, but is there enough story to warrant a purchase?  Read on to find out.

The official description from Dynamite:

The Shadow saves Margo Lane for the first time as two thugs try to throw her off the roof of the Cobalt Club. “Big Gun” Massaretti begins a gangland war under the mesmerizing control of a mysterious presence. And, The Shadow sets up the initial version of his hidden Sanctum.

There’s terror that exists in the hearts of all of us, as our hero works with that perspective to try and make up for the sins of his past.  This is the cornerstone of the character and as the creative team begins to propel their origin narrative they keep that in mind as they deliver something that’s absolutely fantastic.

Matt Wagner pens the script and the series scribe continues to effortlessly weave this tale while building up his own credibility with the saga in general.  He uses side characters to narrate an otherwise straight forward adventure, in a way that makes it feel like the world is telling his story oppose to our hero spinning his own yarn.  It’s a bit of a change from the monthly but trust me when I say it’s for the best as every single avenue available to the creative team is exploited in all the best possible ways.

The moody but brilliant art by Wilfredo Torres fills in the visual void left in the wake of the narrative.  His pencil work relies on thick pencil strokes to bring forth some diligently designed and gracefully executed sequences that echo a minimalist approach to the art of The Shadow‘s original era.  From the first page to the final panel I was positively floored by the execution and precision as it left me with literally zero complaints regarding the work on display.

The Shadow: Year One #2 is a well thought out extension that not only begins to fill in some gaps, but it also gives reason and rhyme to the essential parts of the franchise.  Highly recommended.


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