The Boys #68 Review

In its final run, The Boys is still delivering what it always has – a gritty take on the superhero theme. Yet with a few action movie cliches, I’m enjoying the end moments of The Boys far more than I should.

The Official Description from Dynamite

The next bad day: the Boys compare notes and find that all is very far from being as it should be. MM wants serious words with Butcher, Hughie gets Monkey exactly where he wants him, the Female has a revelation of her own- and news comes in of yet another fatality. Things continue unraveling fast, in part three of The Bloody Doors Off.

Needless to say, there’s some excellent developments, twists and suspense here. One of the final issues, The Boys #68 has equal parts suspense, dialogue and action. It foreshadows worse events to come, but none the less keeps you waiting.

As endings go, however, its hard to knock off the ‘black sheep’ aspect of the plot. The leader has separated, and its up to the old team to stop him. Its cliched, sure, but it suits the heart and atmosphere of The Boys. It mainly works because the confrontation has been a long time coming in the plot, it wasn’t just thrown in to quickly wrap the title up.

It certainly gets the point across; this is the end of The Boys, both as a comic and a fictional organization. Its not about good vs bad, the main antagonists are barely ‘good’ and then ‘superheroes’ have never been shown as perfect either. The Boys has always been busy exploring the various shades of murky grey.

Furthermore, there is a lot to be said about the relationship of the remaining Boys against Butcher. Mother’s Milk in particular has mixed feelings; its the typical friend/enemy dilemma, but it works well. The Boys #68 doesn’t take its time to dwell on this for too long, so there aren’t any flashbacks or teary monologues. What there is, however, is action. Its good to see these characters come to blows – they haven’t been the most stable of people. Fans of the series will also appreciate The Female’s thoughts on the situation as a whole.

As for the art and everything else, there isn’t anything overtly special. Its typical quality of The Boys, and fits the darker imagery and violence of the title well. In its closing moments, this is still a high quality example of the title. I for one will be sure to miss it in 4 issues time.


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