Super Dinosaur #10 Review

Super Dinosaur is a great series. There are a ton of comics out there that use the ‘All Ages’ rating, yet still contain questionable material that I personally think would warrant a “T” (for teen!). Super Dinosaur is great for a few different reasons. It’s something everyone, and I mean everyone can enjoy. A person who’s 8 years old would have a blast reading it, and someone 16 (like myself) will end up burning through the book in a fit of good ol’ fashioned fun. This issue features  some great writing for an all-ages book, nothing really juvenile at all. That’s the thing about a lot of all-ages books, sometimes they’re written like kids have no intelligence whatsoever. Super Dinosaur #10 brings everything an all-ages comic should bring.

The official description from Image:

The dreaded Exile proves to be a far more formidable foe than Max Maximus ever was! Super Dinosaur finds himself under attack by The Exile led horde of Dino-Men! Meanwhile, Derek must infiltrate The Exile’s secret base in order to find the key to defeating him once and for all! But what about Derek’s mother? Will he ever find out she exists?

For an all-ages comic, it’s important to make sure every issue is new reader friendly. Issue #10 passes the grade, for I haven’t read much of the previous issues. It starts out with a bang, showing Dr. Dynamo and his old-friend-turned-villain Max Maximus. However, the most interesting part of the comic is the conversation between an alien in captivity and Derek. What we get is the usual alien telling the human that earth will be his and all that. Nothing new or something we haven’t seen before, but it doesn’t stop it from being really entertaining. One of my favorite pieces of dialogue is when the alien said to Derek, “Even when it irritated me to the point that I longed for your destruction… I still respected your audacity. I say there’s nothing you can do to stop us… you say ‘We’ll see.’ ” Now that is some great writing right there.

The art is very simple. By no means bad, but can’t compare to a lot of the art portrayed currently in comics. This being an all-ages comic, some of the writing is geared toward the younger ones, namely with Erin. However, another standout in the writing is the bickering between Dr. Dynamo and Maximus in the vehicle, good stuff there.

Overall, Super Dinosaur #10 is a great, fun issue with some great action scenes (EXCELLENT splash pages also) toward the end. Fantastic cover also. I’d recommend jumping on board this series if you’re looking for a clean, fun comic story.