Storm Dogs #5 Review

The penultimate issue of Image’s sci fi epic is upon us. Does it continue this interesting but rather confusing story well? Sure, it’s a solid issue.

Here’s the official description from Image:

There are crimes far worse than murder. Where logic, reason and sanity end…there is Dark Science.

Storm Dogs has been a series of intrigue and confusion. It’s one of those books where you might have to read a second time to fully grasp what’s happening. The bi-monthly schedule also doesn’t help matters, it seems like this kind of story will be read better in trade. This issue continues the plot with some interesting new details. The important thing however is that you can read it and grasp what’s happening without the need of a second read.

David Hine right from the beginning establishes this issue with an atmosphere of intrigue. Why was no one aware of such an advanced civilization? The writing is strong throughout. Cadence, the sinister blue alien from the previous issue is once again a highlight. The main ‘antagonist’ so to speak, the Director, gets some pretty great scenes. The art helps of course, but she as a very cold demeanor. The Elohi continue to be a fascinating species to see, we learn that they can tame wild animals. Storm Dogs might be confusing, but it has established some solid alien races.

Doug Braithwaite’s art might be the issue’s greatest aspect. There’s great detail in everything. The main cover showcases the Director, one of the best yet. The story may have been lacking a main antagonist, but with this issue and cover, that is laid to rest.

Overall, a solid issue of Storm Dogs. The Director makes her move and a great mystery is further established. I’m not sure how things will wrap up next time, but it should be interesting.


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