Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi — Force War #4 Review

Can the forward momentum of this Empire  be stopped, or is this the end of the Je’daii? Read on to find out.

The official description from Dark Horse:

Xesh and his Rakatan master are leading their ravening army to the temple of Anil Kesh and the chasm below—hoping to find a gateway to the galaxy at the bottom! But Je’daii Shae Koda dogs Xesh’s steps, hoping to bring her lover back to the light side of the Force!

Star Wars-Dawn of the Jedi - Force War 4_CThis mini-series has been full of twists, turns and ultimately loads of action. But rest assured my fellow fanboys and fangirls this maintains that high quality while delivering something that’s different from your standard Star Wars yarn.

John Ostrander does a marvelous job keeping each character in play while slowly but surely escalating the violence. The stakes remain constantly high as the presence of the dark side, even among our heroes, fuels this fight. As the conflict grows the purpose of the battles within the Tython System comes into focus, as Skal’nas takes his Force Hound on a trek to find an important artifact. I thoroughly enjoyed the piece of fiction but I found more than a few instances where pages felt a bit too thick as an unnecessary amount of words filled certain scenes.

The co-lead on the story and series illustrartor, Jan Duursema, hands in yet another brilliant display. Expert line work and a keen sense for detail allow this book to really soar. What we have is a massive war, with lots of individual cogs but this is one talent who firmly grasps all of them and gives each the necessary attention that they honestly deserve. Add in the stellar inks by Dan Parsons and the expert colors by Wes Dzioba and you have a potent mix that makes this jaunt in a far away galaxy more than worthwhile.

Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi — Force War #4 is an easy comic book to score because from start to finis this is exactly the kind of space bound odyssey I’d want to share with generations to come. Highly recommended.



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