Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness #3 Review

With the latest space-based blockbuster getting closer and closer to release, does this prequel series really need to exist?  Read on to find out.

The official description from IDW:

The lead up to this Spring’s STAR TREK film sequel continues here, in this official prequel mini-series overseen by writer/producer Roberto Orci. Captain Kirk and his crew will face an all-new adversary that threatens the future of the entire Federation. Don’t miss this exclusive all-new story that sets the stage for the upcoming blockbuster movie!

The penultimate issue of this intergalactic tale of genocide, betrayal, love, logic and war is here.  And from the first page to the final panel this creative team unleashes a versatile barrage of goodies that are sure to sate even the most hardcore fans.

The script by Mike Johnson goes right into the thick of it, as the author embraces the established story points in a way that slowly but surely marches this series toward its inevitable climax.  The dialogue especially is top notch as the character interaction easily brings about solid connections that yield points that I’m sure will inevitably be apart of the next movie’s inherent arcs.  In short I have very little to complain about here, save for a few select scenes that felt somewhat unnecessary.

David Messina handles the art and the seasoned talent does an expert job illustrating the storied franchise.  From the crew members to the ship designs everything looks exactly as you might expect it to.  While embracing both classic and contemporary comic book techniques the work done here ebbs and flows with a visual authenticity that successfully sells narrative.  There were times where the faces looked a bit off but these were few and far between.

Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness #3 is a spectacular release that’s nothing short of a crow pleasing affair.  From the get-go the connections between the first and second movie in the newly re-envisioned franchise have been rather light at best.  But now after some broad strokes it’s becoming clear where all this is going, and trust me when I say: it’s fascinating.  Recommended.


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