Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #35 Review

Another adventure with the Heroes in a Half-Shell, but should you even bother to pick it up? Read on to find out.

The official description from IDW:

Raphael and Michelangelo pay a visit to Old Hob. Turns out the cat’s been busy trying to create new mutants while the Turtles have been away! Will Raph and Mike try to stop him? The choice becomes more difficult when Slash reveals a surprise!

TMNT 35_Preview PageIf I could take a moment to sum up this issue, I would label it as a builder. It takes into account story and plot elements that have been festering in the background of the previous arcs and runs with it. The creative team expertly places some very dynamic dominoes that will no doubt have repercussions as this series continues to unfold in the coming months. Add in some comedy courtesy of Slash and Mikey and we’re left with a winning entry.

Kevin Eastman and Bobby Curnow work with script writer Tom Waltz to bring this narrative to fruition. Issues regarding the safety of mutants come into play as the further inclusion of questionable players, like Old Hob, gets some time in the spotlight. What’s been a source of pleasure for this title is how effortlessly characters from prior iterations are brought in without sacrificing the core elements that have allowed this reboot to thrive. Despite some slower moments this outing proves its worth with significant sequences that are bound to leave an impact.

Ever since Mateus Santolouco handled the art for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Secret History of the Foot Clan I’ve been enamored with his unique style and sensibilities. He offers up realistic interpretations with just enough cartoon antics to deliver a display that feels reminiscent of the old comics while maintaining a level of freshness. With the Mike Henderson assist on page three and the colors by Ronda Pattison the whole of the visuals simply rock.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #35 is another solid issue but not enough happens before the cliffhanger. Nonetheless it still turned out to be an excellent addition as it comes recommended.

  • + TMNT continues with a strong creative team.
  • + The comic carries a lot of awesome additions.
  • + Mutants vs. a world that hates and fears them.
  • - Not enough happens before the cliffhanger...

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