Superman Unchained #7 Review

It’s been so long since the last chapter should any of us care how this title turns out? Read on to find out.

The official description from DC:

It’s a rampage in the Batcave! It’s come to this: Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman against Wraith! Alone, they wouldn’t have a chance – but they don’t have much of one together, either! And all the while, Lex Luthor’s machinations are clicking into place…

Superman Unchained 7_Variant CoverI was floored by this outing, and granted it took me a moment to recall what happened in #6 but as soon as I gathered the pieces I jumped right in. The emotional investment and weight are there and if you’re a longtime fan of the Man of Steel than this is a mini-series that deserves a spot on your pull-list. The time has come for this revitalized icon to show us all what he can do.

Scott Snyder saw to it that this awesome entry carried engaging moments, a dash of corn and one of the single best uses of Wonder Woman in the whole of the New 52. We see a superhero faced with the realities of the world and the weapons man built to protect themselves. But to be frank that’s not the main issue here, as this iteration of Superman comes to terms with what it means to be who he is. And thanks to his previous interactions with Wraith we see him grow along the lines of the man he could yet be.

The illustrations handed in by Jim Lee are the intensely detailed pages that fans have come to expect. In particular the characters, such as Batman and Lois Lane, are given plenty of space to be rendered properly with layered pencil strokes that augment the written word. Add in the colors by Alex Sinclair and the entire visual component ebbs and flows with a purpose. In short: these pictures by themselves are worth the price of admission.

Superman Unchained #7 breaks free from the initial boundaries of its re-imagined roots, as we all get to discover this legendary icon one more time. Highly recommended.

  • + Carries a great script by Scott Snyder.
  • Jim Lee absolutely rocks the art.
  • + There's no delay fatigue here.
  • Wraith vs. the Batcave!

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