Serenity: Leaves on the Wind #6 Review

Will the Serenity finally manage to save Zoe or will they lose another member of their crew? Read on to find out.

The official description from Dark Horse:

Mal’s plan B—a plan he didn’t like when he made it—has gone into action, and the Serenity has come out of hiding. With his crew, one victim, and a hostage, Mal is ready to fight the Alliance head on—but first, they are going to rescue Zoe, no matter what!

Serenity Leaves on the Wind #6 variantSerenity: Leaves on the Wind reaches it’s conclusion with this fabulous mini-series having been a brilliant revival for the Firefly crew. With gripping action and sensational developments the series gives the kind of energy that I loved from the TV series with the atmosphere being perfect on every level. I did however feel that Mal’s plan itself escalated a little too quickly as after explaining it everything went into overdrive.

Leaving the best for last Zach Whedon produces a script that’s full of drama, tension and suspense. What really impressed me about Whedon’s script was that he didn’t just jump into the final act, allowing the side developments to get a little extra treatment. I also loved that the issue wasn’t pure action as though the action we got was phenomenal it was nice to see the aftermath as well as a slither of normality. If you’re a fan of intense dialogue you’ll also be happy as Whedon gives us emotional interactions, giving a symbolic end to this series.

Georges Jeanty has produced awesome artwork over this six issue mini-series with it fitting the tone and style of the franchise perfectly. Much like Whedon’s script Jeanty also has left his best work till last with the explosive action and intense character expressions adding a lot of tension to this conclusion. Jeanty also produced outstanding scenery and along with the layouts they added a realistic vibe to the story. Dan Dos Santos‘ cover was also as ever phenomenal with the addition of Wash being very symbolic to the story.

Serenity: Leaves on the Wind has been a phenomenal series and a must have for any Firefly fan. The way that the creative team has followed on from the film as well as develop new concepts makes it one of the best continuation series I’ve ever read. Highly recommended.

  • + Wonderful conclusion from Zach Whedon!
  • + Beautiful art as ever from Georges Jeanty.
  • + Leaves the door open for more stories.
  • - Things escalated a little too quickly.

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