Robotech/Voltron #2 Review

Should fans of both properties even bother with this crossover? Read on to find out.

The official description from Dynamite:

Part 2 of 5. The spectacular mecha-crossover continues as Earth and the distant world of Arus are profoundly altered by a mysterious rift in the very fabric of time and space. However, these events were set into motion a generation ago. King Alfor makes a daring endeavor at great personal cost to save the people of Arus, including his young daughter Allura, from a future of enslavement, with or without Voltron. On Earth, Roy must once again face the consequences of personal tragedy and broken promises, and a secretly reconstructed robotic lion may be part of the answer!

Layout 1Let me just say as someone who grew up watching these two dynamic shows: I’m loving this title. For anyone who remembers gazing on at these mech based franchise translations you’re bound to find a treat within these striking pages.

Tommy Yune with Bill Spangler work together to yield a script that takes two initially divergent creations and mixes them in a way that gives each enough room to breathe. The first half focuses strongly on Voltron while the latter chunk jumps right into the somewhat Earth bound fray that is Robotech. There are hints of development but at this point what we’re getting is another slice of an engaging episode. There’s not much depth to speak of but there’s plenty going on within the confines of the narrative to gain an audience.

The visual component of the book is handled by the Digital Art Chefs Team but it’s the striking pencils done by Elmer Damaso that make this whole thing possible. He nails a look and interpretation that pays respect to the source material while keeping his panel design current with indurstry expectations. Add in the colors by Melvin Calingo and you have the recipe for a potent display that destined to please.

Robotech/Voltron #2 is not something I expected to enjoy this much, but I am! Whether you’re endeared to one or both there’s plenty to love as this comic comes highly recommended.

  • + Discover some secret origins.
  • + It's ROBOTECH and VOLTRON in the same book!
  • + Enjoy the illustrative work of the DIGITAL ART CHEFS TEAM.
  • - Needs a bit more present day action.

S#!T Talking Central

  • George

    How much did Harmony Gold pay you to give a good score to this crap?