Red Sonja: Sanctuary (One-Shot) Review

Is this a one-shot that deserves a spot on your pull-list this week? Read on to find out.

The official description from Dynamite:

Raven returns! In a distant, hidden forest, Sonja finds Scathach’s other chosen warrior has turned over a new leaf and renounced violence. Can Sonja do the same? Offered a chance to have friends, family, and a life without the sword, Sonja begins to see the course of her life change. But when a group of mercenaries determined to bring Raven to justice enter the mix, Sonja discovers that perhaps the only course her life can ever take is one of violence and tragedy!

Layout 1It’s hard not be moved by this piece of fiction. We have a strong creative team that’s willing to present our scarlet haired warrioress with deep questions about here destiny and ultimate place in the world. So if you’re a fan that’s looking for a meaningful journey starring the She-Devil with a sword than this outing is without a doubt made for you.

Mark Mason certainly knows how to write Red Sonja, as we get an uncompromising protagonist set in a sanctuary for women. Placed in a situation where she has to face a changed Raven, we’re given a yarn that preaches unity and hope. The history between them pushes our protagonist to answer internal dilemmas such as what she will do as she gets older: make a home or keep on wandering? It’s well thought out and despite minor stiff bits of dialogue it accomplishes the author’s central intent.

The art by Noah Salonga works well enough with the written word to never hinder forward progression. Each character is given attention as solid but slightly tame renditions cover the page. Add in the colors by Salvatore Aiala Studios and the display is competent. It’s not the best visual interpretation I’ve seen but it’s good enough for this jaunt.

Red Sonja: Sanctuary (One-Shot) is not ground breaking but it is thought provoking. The creative team is given room to tell their tale and the end result is something that earns a recommendation from me.

  • + Forces Red Sonja to face the value of her life.
  • + Including the script is a nice touch.
  • + Offers up a satisfying finish.
  • - Carries a predictable plot...

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